Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Stupid Class

I may have discovered the most draconian attendance policy at Sac State.

Not only do we have to wait in line to sign in at the beginning of each 75-minute class period, but we must also sign out at the end after class is dismissed. The class is in a small room, without any breaks or opportunities for a sneaky getaway. I simply can't comprehend why we have to waste our time with this vestigial remnant of high-school.

This teacher has also spouted gems like "irregardless" in a sentence describing how she is a major stickler for proper English and grammar.

Then when two students offer answers that are direct contradictions, they are both praised for being right, as she refuses to even subtly imply that a student is wrong, leading the class to wonder about what part of the lecture to remember or dismiss. Anything a student does or suggests is "right," even when it clearly isn't.

Direct quotes like "You're never going to really know who's right or who's wrong until you get into it" in response to objective truths really don't make any sense at all.

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